
Quality of life after hip fracture

Australia & New Zealand Hip Fracture Registry Season 1 Episode 50

Professor Xavier Griffin spearheads academic orthopaedics at Queen Mary University London and Barts Health, having joined as the inaugural chair of Bone & Joint Health. Professor Griffin's vision is for world class excellence in research and clinical academic training; providing opportunity for the next generation of clinician scientists to realise their aspirations.

Professor Griffin presented at ANZHFR's 2022 Binational Hip Festival in Melbourne, Australia on quality of life after hip fracture. We are pleased to provide his presentation in podcast format.

The open access publication mentioned early in the podcast can be found at:

(Reference: Griffin XL, Achten J, Parsons N, Costa ML, On behalf of the WHiTE collaborators. Does performance-based remuneration improve outcomes in the treatment of hip fracture?. Bone Joint J. 2021;103-B(5):881-887. doi:10.1302/0301-620X.103B5.BJJ-2020-1839.R1)

The video recording of the presentation can be found at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dLdbb-RnYgk

All recorded sessions from the ANZHFR 2022 Binational Hip Fest are available on our website: https://anzhfr.org/hipfest2022/